Title IX/ Sexual Misconduct

UMBC’s Title IX/ Sexual Misconduct Policies 

Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex, including sexual and gender based harassment, sexual assault, sexual coercion, relationship violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, sexual intimidation, sex and gender based stalking and retaliation, in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. The Office of Equity and Civil Rights is responsible for ensuring UMBC’s compliance with state and federal Title IX training requirements.

As a university that receives Federal financial assistance, UMBC complies with the requirements set forth in Title IX. UMBC does not discriminate on the basis of sex.

At UMBC, Title IX reports may be made through the online report/ referral form or you can contact the University’s Interim Title IX Coordinator to file a report or for inquiries:

Leah Reynolds, Interim Title IX Coordinator and Director
Office of Equity and Civil Rights
Administration Building