UMBC Resources

Confidential Resources

Conversations with these Confidential Resources will not trigger a report to the Title IX Coordinator or otherwise be shared unless given permission to do so. The only exceptions are when there is clear and imminent danger that someone’s life is at risk, there is apparent or suspected abuse of a child or dependent adult, or there is a legal obligation to reveal such information under an enforceable court order.

Women’s Center at UMBC

Advances gender equity and an inclusive campus climate through co-curricular programming, support services, and advocacy for marginalized individuals and communities and cultivates a survivor responsive campus as a means to address sexual violence. Professional staff can meet with UMBC community members to provide support via appointments or walk-in as staff are available.

The Women’s Center also offers several discussion-based programs: a weekly discussion group for students; We Believe You: for survivors of sexual violence/power-based violence; Between Women: for women students who identify as LGBTQIA+ spectrum; Women of Color Coalition: for self-identified women of color students, faculty, and staff; and more.

Counseling Services:
Retriever Integrated Health

Counseling and mental health services for students provided by licensed professionals (on-call after hours), including referrals to off-campus services for students
Or make an appointment through the Retriever Care Portal

Universities at Shady Grove

Center for Counseling and Consultation Comprehensive counseling, psychological, and consultative services to the students, faculty, and staff at the USG campus

Gathering Space for Spiritual Well-Being

Provides space for students, staff and faculty from all religious and spiritual backgrounds to meet, worship, discuss, and celebrate their individual and collective faiths and belief systems. Only Pastoral Counselors are Confidential Resources.


Employee Assistance Program

Provides counseling, support, and assistance for employees, as well as access to online resources.
TTY# for the hearing impaired: 1-800-697-0353

Medical Services:
Retriever Integrated Health

Provides free medical exams, including STI/HIV and pregnancy testing for members of the UMBC community by licensed professionals
Note: UHS cannot provide a SAFE


Non-Confidential Resources

Responsible Employees (Mandated Reporters) are Non-Confidential which means they will safeguard the UMBC community member’s privacy, however they are required to immediately share the known details of an incident of Prohibited Conduct (date, time, location, names of parties involved, description of the incident, etc.) to the Title IX Coordinator and other need-to-know University officials.

  • Title IX Coordinator;
  • All employees the Office of Equity and Civil Rights;
  • All employees in Human Resources;
  • All employees in the Office of the General Counsel;
  • All employees in the Office of Disability and Accessibility;
  • All University Police Department employees;
  • All UMBC Administrators (President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Deans, Associate Deans, Directors,  Chairs);
  • All UMBC Supervisors (excluding Supervisory Confidential Resources);
  • All UMBC Faculty (including Adjunct and Part-time);
  • All UMBC Graduate Assistant and Teaching Assistants;
  • All UMBC Academic Advisors;
  • All UMBC Athletic Coaches (including Volunteer Coaches) and Advisors;
  • All UMBC Resident Assistants and all employees in Residence Life;
  • All UMBC First Responders (excluding First Responders who are Confidential Resources)
  • All Licensed Athletic Trainers

Additional Resources: